

Light Association Morinaga





Light Association Morinaga

December 1973, by three-person (Association to protect the victims current, Morinaga arsenic milk poisoning), country, of Morinaga Milk Industry Association to protect the children of Morinaga milk poisoning, "confirmation" is entered into, and permanent relief victims and agreed to, Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd. has been committed to contribute relief funds. "Light Association" (now Foundation Light Association) was established in April 1974 on the basis of this agreement, relief operations are underway in a stable thereafter.
Light Association held a "tripartite talks" periodically thereafter and three parties, it has implemented the necessary consultation for the relief of victims. I also have been supported by breville personal blender experts close to 400 people who agree to this relief work. Or counsel of victims in the region of 19, local relief committee has advice with respect to the optical Association staff for necessary assistance support. Is not seen in other pollution victims businesses that obtained the cooperation of experts of this many. In addition, as Relief and Works cooperation personnel, victims themselves are doing etc. call for health of the victim it is also a significant feature. Relief and Works cooperation employees more than 600 people are currently active.
Relief and Works by this tripartite meeting scheme, has been attracting attention as pollution victims system, but there is no place where you are taking a similar manner in the incident other than this at this stage. The public interest was recognized in 2011, Light Association, has been certified Foundation. (Foundation OITDA see website)
After I fully recognized the responsibility to December 1973, the relationship between the perpetrator Morinaga Kai and to protect victims organization, has changed in relation to cooperate in victims. It was not to support activities in the victim's side, it is fair Chubo was a lawyer at that time. Until involved in this incident, he had been thinking of spend a lifetime in the counsel of the company status is stable, but will be involved in Ikkatsu father. It worked as lead attorney civil litigation then, he served as dependents and legislators director OITDA after the establishment, was rooting for movement of the victim until just before his death.



No Name Ninja
