Proportional representation is a generic term for how to configure a small population is more, can be reproduced is suppressed as much as possible the opinion aggregation, as much as possible the power ratio due to the difference in the opinion of the original population. If you adapt the winner of one person to voters of each, and equal and voters the number of per capita winner as possible, so as to approach the candidates winners corresponding to the voters of each to support most of the voters, elected I make up a population of people.
It is used, for example, when you make the Congress responsible for the alternative of direct democracy. Large constituency system and proportional representation system (such as single non-transferrable vote) applies. It is said that in some cases in general, when you configure the parliament by using the proportional representation, it becomes an equal Shoto mushrooming, leading to political turmoil in the Rigo collection and distribution over the coalition.

In fact, proportional representation is, get a seat in any small party if ensure even proponents of a certain number. Depending on the method of election, are even those that do not have a concept of political parties as national constituency system, there is no force to consolidate the major party lawmakers. Originally, it is only possible to suppress the opinion aggregation, which is the responsibility of proportional representation. However, some countries have adopted the system in order to prevent the Shoto powers divided among separate excessive, are not allocated a seat if you do not exceed called "blocking clause", the percentage of votes more than a certain reality.
However, considering the country to continue to operate the (presidential system) system that electorate directly select government is not small, it can be seen that it is possible to prevent the political turmoil in Shoto mushrooming. This is because the set of the electorate is because extreme conditions of Shoto mushrooming. In order to prevent [citation needed] political turmoil, from the choices that can be a resolution of Congress, it is good except for the ones that do not exhibit the highest intention to become such as "rejected", as an alternative. In Bonn Basic Law utilizing the reflection of the Weimar Constitution, in order for Congress to no confidence the government and the prime minister, parliament must have completed the election of the Prime Minister an alternative.